Thank You for Booking

Check your inbox for updates and reminders. Please feel free to explore the resources below before we meet.

Communication & Character

Here are a few tools for getting better at workplace communication and leading with character. Take a look and test them out!

To get the Character Compass PDF, send me your email. Thanks!

All of the other worksheets on this page are direct downloads. If you use them, drop me a note and let me know how it goes.

4 Things To Do Forever

Do these 4 things in every conversation and watch communication improve and become so much easier.

Expectations Inventory

What are your expectations for yourself and others?? Better clarity on your part decreases the need for psychic coworkers.

March Forth!

Want to revive or re-energize the goals and resolutions you’ve made for yourself or your team? Here are some tools to reconnect to your interest and action. And what’s the best day of the year to start marching forth, you ask? March 4th! It’s the date that is also and imperative command! (But there really is no wrong time or way to march forth.)

The 4 worksheets below are a month-long guide to creating momentum and helping you along your path. Have fun!

March Forth - Week ONE

March Forth - Week TWO

March Forth - Week THREE

March Forth - Week FOUR

Mostly virtual... for now!

I love getting into a room and discovering how people work best together. Whether that discovery is about the way they currently work, the qualities they value most about their team, or the next strategic step they want to take toward a new goal, it’s rewarding to learn about how people see their organizations and share the tools I have that can make them even better.

Whether that room is virtual or in person, we can share great information and get you re-imagining what leadership looks like for YOU and what success can be for your team.

New Workshops are on their way in 2024! If you’re looking for a custom course for your team, contact me and we’ll see how we can work together.

New Workshops in 2024!

Looking for a little inspiration of character?

Click the button below. The card that appears might just add a little spark to your day. Enjoy!

Which traits make you happiest & most effective?

Download your Character Compass and reconnect to the things that bring more satisfaction and joy to your work.

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