The Crandallabra
Delightful Ideas & Sparks of Interest

The Four-Year Plan
Making the most of a playful reminder that our work moves, grows, and is accomplished in cycles. “What’s our five-year plan?” It’s a common question. Planning, goal-setting, and communication are all part of good organizational operations. But when we focus on the handy number five,

Leap Year – 2024
It’s February 2024 – the month that contains the leap day in this leap year. Leap year is the scrappy little work-around that keeps our calendars in sync with the seasons and gives us 366 rather than 365 days in our trip around the sun. If the label

My Theme for This Year
Fruitfulness. January 10, 2024 How are you faring in this second week of January? Recovered from the holiday? Avoided flu-like symptoms? I hope you are happy, well-rested, and healthy as we start 2024. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions for a new year, but

“Returning” to Work
Topic of the Moment: Returning to Work Many organizations are currently in the midst of “return to work” planning. After a year of a pandemic-related workarounds, people are brainstorming about how to, once again, share space with colleagues and become liberated from endless hours on

March Forth – 2021
My favorite day of the year, March 4th, is here again. It’s the date also an imperative command: March Forth! My approach this year is low-key because, as much as I love it, the date feels a little surreal. The last 52 weeks have wrung-out

I Do Not Want To “Crush” 2021
According to The Internet, it’s time to begin planning and making resolutions for the new year.* Social media posts and end-of-year articles are now directing our attention toward all the things we should start thinking about to maximize the next 12 months: goals for our