The Crandallabra
Delightful Ideas & Sparks of Interest

It’s September. Start Your Story.
The beginning of the school year holds a tiny bit of magic. It’s the same magic that can be found at the beginning of a story – a good one with a beginning, middle, and an end. The arc of this good story has a

Accountable and Accountability
Accountability and accountable are very popular words in business today. After a conversation with a colleague about his direct reports, I realized that he was using these words interchangeably and creating confusion in his team. Accountable: adjective: subject to giving an account, answerable; I held

An Odd Secret About Leadership
A master’s student recently interviewed me for a paper he’s writing. He is writing a case based on his experience as a head of a small private school and the leadership dilemmas he faced, and he wanted my take on what the antagonist in the

Among friends, colleagues and clients, the topic of success keeps popping up at an oddly frequent rate. Perhaps it’s because spring is in the air and fresh ideas are floating about; but the discussion of success, and the stresses associated with that word, seem to

Upon Reflection
In reading the recap of this week’s news, I came across Hillary Clinton’s message supporting marriage equality. The subject of her statement, while important, is not what got my attention. I was drawn to a word she uses to describe the respectful discussion of ideas

Getting Through
The two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through. ~Sydney J. Harris Have you ever had someone tell you something, expecting that you have understood him, only to find have