The Crandallabra
Delightful Ideas & Sparks of Interest
Good Conversations – Part 3
Getting Commitment: – If you don’t ask for it, you won’t get it You have now made your expectations clear. You have communicated clearly and everyone has the same information. Now you’re back in the day-to-day and you are wondering why people have not changed
Good Conversations – Part 2
Setting Expectations One of the most common workplace complaints I hear is about employees who do not meet basic expectations. They are late, they behave in ways that are awkward or inconvenient for clients, they don’t keep things as clean as they should in their
Starting Good Conversations – Part 1
What’s bugging you? Is there a situation at work or elsewhere that is stuck in your mind? You know, the loop of an idea that gets wedged into your noggin and played on repeat. It’s likely something to figure-out or confront or resolve or explore,
Of course they want to know why. So do you.
Generation Y gets a lot of bad press for being a generation that wants to know WHY they have to do things at work. Their questions are seen as annoyances: why do they have to wear uniforms? Why do they have to follow certain procedures?
The Negative Side of Positivity
I am an optimist. I would rather trust the potential I see in people and situations than be cautious of it. But, because my penchant for rose-colored glasses has bitten me in the backside more than once, I choose to call on my naturally curious
Hey, Look! Free Brains!
Many companies use the phrase, “people are our greatest asset.” It is a fine sentiment. Despite the common use of that statement, senior management is often suspicious of their greatest asset. That suspicion can turn into fear and drag a company to a slow and