
Finding Real Reasons to Celebrate at Work

Tonight we’ll see a Supermoon, the likes of which we haven’t seen since 1982 and won’t see again until 2033. Tonight the moon is at its closest annual point to the Earth in its orbit, making this full moon appear brighter and bigger. Tonight there will also be a total lunar eclipse, so if you

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Accountable and Accountability

Accountability and accountable are very popular words in business today. After a conversation with a colleague about his direct reports, I realized that he was using these words interchangeably and creating confusion in his team. Accountable: adjective: subject to giving an account, answerable; I held her accountable for the damage. capable of being accounted for;

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Powerful Waves of Emotion in Vermont

Irene’s Contribution to Management Theory Last week Hurricane Irene clobbered Vermont. Though she was officially a tropical storm by the time she made her way up the coast and into western New England, Irene dumped enough wind and water on the Green Mountains to turn a dozen towns into islands, wash homes and base lodges

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Earth, Wind & Fire

Problems at work often focus on elemental descriptions: I’m completely buried; I’m blown-away; this project is on fire; we’re totally under water. That may be a sign that we enjoy communing with nature, but probably not. When I start hearing these phrases, it’s a signal that people need to stop, even for a minute, and

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